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Let Her Fly

Author: Moloy sarkar

(There is a village named Chanchal Gram. Surovi, a poor girl belongs to this village. She leads a very humble life. One day, keeping her hands on her cheeks, she is looking very pensive. At that time, Sharthika, Surovi's childhood friend has come.)

Sharthika: Surovi, what happened? What are you thinking about?
Surovi: Nothing (icily).
Sharthika: Look at my eyes. I know you did never keep anything secret to me. Please tell me the problem for which my Surovirani is looking cold.
Surovi: Nothing. Shut up and go.
Sharthika: Absolutely. Who I am? I am nothing to you. Don't tell me anything. Bye (very sad).
Surovi: Sharthika, please don't mind. I'm sorry...
Sharthika: It's alright dear. Now, tell me what the matter is.
Surovi: Listen...
Sharthika: Yes.
(At that time Surovi's father, Naren Rabidas is coming, he is a day-labourer. Being the doer of this poor family he has to go out for work early in the morning and returns in the evening. He is a very good-fellow. He is worried about his youngish daughter's marriage.)
Narenbabu: What's happened Sharthika? You are looking very anxious!
Sharthika: Uncle, your daughter, Surovi has been sitting here mournfully without saying anything to me.
(Surovi gets frightened after this speech of Sharthika to her father.)
Narenbabu:  Oh ...That's the matter (laughing). I thought it is another thing.
Sahrthika: Uncle, please tell me what happened with Surovi.
Narenbabu: Try to understand, actually we are very worried about your future, and it is not only for me but for all parents. Day after day you are growing up. We have to think for your marriage.
Sharthika: Then, uncle what do you think all the daughters are burden to their parents.
Narenbabu: No my daughter, I didn't mean that.
Sharthika: So what is your problem uncle?
Surovi: Father, is it necessary to get married at this early age because we are girls?
Narenbabu: The Brahmin purohit has told, "It is the rule of the Brahminical system." Daughters do not have to stay at home for long.
Surovi: They told and you agreed! Is it your custom, father? As a father, is it your duty to get your daughter's marriage as soon as possible? Am I a burden to you?
Narenbabu: Believe me my daughter, we are so poor; we don't have enough money; we don't have power to challenge their words. Brahmin is our guru, an Oracle. We know they are equal to God.
(Surovi becomes tired; circumstances force her to stop.)
Sharthika:  Uncle, now tell me (angrily), are we not part of this society? Are we not made of flesh and blood? Don't we have the right to be an I.A.S. or to be an I.P.S.? Don't we have the right to be educated? Mind it uncle, we can do everything what men can; we can do everything what the upper class men can. We are equal. In this Brahminical system, they always try to dominate us; they always try to keep ourselves in darkness.
Narenbabu: (Realizing the utmost truth of Sharthika's speech), Oh no, Sharthika, my daughter you are absolutely true. But tell me what we should do. We have nothing. They possess everything. The whole society believes them to be equal to God. 
(They all become silent for a time....)
Sharthika: (Like Mata Savitribai Phule begins to roar) let’s go. We all female should unite; we all the marginalized people should unite and fight back against the Brahminical system. We have to destroy their Vedas, their Manusmriti, which consist of harmful rules and regulations against us. Only this unity can break their chain.
Surovi: Absolutely Sharthika. We will go door to door to make them aware to be educated, to be agitated, and to be organized.
Sharthika: Of course Surovi. We should let them know that we are ready to make revolt against the Brahmins and the other privileged castes.