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As our foremothers and forefathers have created history of golden past by building Indus Valley Civilization, universities like Nalanda, Vickramasila, Odantapuri, Somapura, Jagaddala, Vallabhi etc.; spreading ‘Dhamma’ to the major parts of the world, literature of world class repute mainly in Tamil, Prakrit, Pali and other regional existing languages; being ‘Productive Communities’, they invented scientific tools and equipments to produce finished products and exported them to the entire world and earned revenue. So, our vision is to take or carry forward the determination and expertise to the present and future world through research, experimentation and writings.
The creation and activation of Bahujan Literature Website primarily focuses on providing great opportunity to academicians, scholars, and writers of Bahujan society at large so that they can contribute their expertise in respective disciplines in research, writing, and publications through their native languages and English. The website has been designed as a multi-lingual online archive so that academicians, scholars, and writers coming from different linguistic background can find for themselves greater space and democratic opportunities for nurturing their intellectual and creative potentiality. This in future will bring forth adequate amount of intellectual and creative resources of Bahujan society, dismantle the unwanted interference of Brahminism to misrepresent Bahujan society, challenge intellectual and creative monopoly of Brahminism in the world of knowledge, and enable minimise or eradicate the effectiveness of Brahmanical hegemony occupying the Bahujan spaces. Once the Brahmanical tyranny is crushed, ‘Bahujan’ will be able to breath fresh air of freedom and will be able to live the life of humans with full dignity and happiness.