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The Crow

Author: Rakesh Sarkar

Every morning starts with your unbearable voice,
Even I wake up with your coarse voice.
When I walk on the roof, even there your rough voice is heard.
People say your voice is like a curse, symbol of Slurs.
Woe to him, who hears your tuneless voice.
We have read a story of fox and crow 
Even there you are fool, ridiculous and unbearable. 
People condemn you with bad thing.
But I can’t say yours is full of noise.
They do not acknowledge that you are a social king.
They only condemn you with slangs.
I see in you a sociable guy
Who, without any hue and cry
Serve our metropolitan with joy. 
You clear the place with your sharp beak.
If any dead snake remains on the road, 
Before anyone comes there 
You pick it up with your beak and clear the reek.
So, how people tell you are evil thing,
Really you are social worker not bad fling.